Thursday, December 27, 2007

Last of 2007...

Wow! 100th post! How fitting that it should be a retrospective of the year (yes, I know it's ridiculously self-indulgent but it's my blog, so there).

Firstly, my weight has thundered upwards and I'm now a shocking 1.5 stone heavier than I was this time last year. I am disgusted with myself, particularly after such an indulgent Xmas week. Things must, must, must change as I'm miserable and uncomfortable all the time.

Job wise I started my current one in January so it's been a year, virtually. It was great to begin with but the constant abuse of my time (made me work late on my birthday and miss drinks) and the rubbish pay are seriously starting to bring me down. I'm definitely asking for a pay rise at my year's appraisal (not something I've done before) and if that doesn't work, I think I'll look for something else.

Home wise I managed to move twice this year. Mine and A's flat in Fulham was lovely for 8 months but always temporary when she announced she'd bought a place. We are now in Brixton and although it was a struggle to get used to the culture change I now love the vibrancy of it. I can buy plantain at the market, three streets from my house - genius.

Man wise. Ha ha. It sounds revolting to say there are too many to mention them all, but frankly it's true. I started the year thinking I was on my way to being sorted, only to be chucked in February. From then on the online dating and real life meetings have led to many liasons and a couple of attempts at relationships, none going the distance. I have had many one night stands, many first dates, several third dates, many teenage snogging sessions, a couple of arguments, a lovely number of genuinely fantastic nights out, some exciting text and phone sex, two threesomes (one of each kind), a rampant holiday and one bloke with four nipples. I am no wiser about men now than I was 12 months ago but it's heartening to remember that neither are any of my friends.

Any new year is an opportunity to make a fresh start and resolutions will be firmed up in January. I must think about what I want from men and how I can change my destructive behaviour. This year has made me realise I'm not completely repulsive, and yet I still have shockingly low self esteem. Another thing that needs working on. Still, I love a challenge.

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