I think one of the reasons I've been a bit antsy recently is because I'm bored. It's not a general 'bit bored today so I think I'll go shopping' kind of bored, rather a 'months stretching ahead of me with nothing to do except work' kind of boredom.
I don't have any hobbies. I actually don't like the word 'hobbies' because to me it conjures up images of people who stick pins in butterflies whilst breathing through their mouths. Or the sort of people that weep with joy at the prospect of finding a mint first edition of 'Laser Boy and the Mutant Fish People'. Nevertheless, a hobby is what I need. I am shockingly one-dimensional. I spend my time drinking wine with girls, drinking wine and flirting with boys, working (a job not a career too), shopping, reading and occasionally faffing about with creative writing. Oh, and watching far too many DVDs - mostly boy's choices too such as Spaced, Scrubs, MASH and The West Wing.
During the course of this dating malarky I've come to dread the question 'so what do you do in your spare time?' or if they're really hip 'so like, what are you into?' Urgh. I tend to feebly list the above in a half hearted way, often playing up the creative writing bit so as not to sound completely weak. Often I'll tack on the fact that I used to make mosaics. This is true and I felt I was good at it (even did a week's course in London before I lived here) but I haven't done it for years. They glaze over slightly then proceed to recount an endless list of pasttimes that makes me feel as though my life is ebbing away from me in a haze of alcohol and self indulgent navel-gazing.
I feel the need to change my outlook. I've found my 'look' (if I ever had one) evolving lately. I've always pushed the boundaries a little in terms of clothing but I've become a bit more edgy which I think is the influence of being in London and working in an agency where everyone my age dresses in an achingly cool way. It's starting to bleed into other areas of my life too. My music tastes are changing for a start and I'm seriously considering getting another tattoo. God, I sound as though I'm having some sort of early-life crisis. Anyway, the tattoo I have is tiny and was an impulse when I was 19. It's not in plain sight which I'm relieved about because I don't really like it any more but I like the idea of them and don't regret getting one. I know the design I want and I think I've finally decided where to have it so I'm going to start investigating.
In the meantime, I was casting about over the weekend for ideas of something to actually do with my time. No matter how much I love it I'm not sure I'll ever be a writer. I don't think I have the talent and certainly don't have The Big Idea right now. I have no interest in sport of any kind which is worrying for the future (brittle bones anyone?) but gyms are for people with no souls and team games fill me with dread. I didn't inherit my dad's artistic streak unlike my artist brother and I don't really have an interest in learning a musical instrument. I'd like to do a course of some kind but I'm not sure what in. Well, OK I had one idea. It's probably a complete pipe dream but I've started investigating DJ courses. You can actually do a beginners course where they teach you all the basics - everything to do with the equipment and how to mix songs in to each other by learning to count tempo etc. I know it's random but I've always really admired female DJs ever since I first saw Sister Bliss live. I never considered it as something I could do but then I thought 'why not?' I love music, I really adore finding new tracks and if it has any relevance at all, I love making mix CDs for people with stuff I really think they'd like. I love the atmosphere of clubs and the buzz of a really good set but dislike actually being on the floor. Maybe it is a complete pipe dream but it's been on my mind for a few days now and apart from the expense of the course I can't quite come up with a reason why I shouldn't properly look into it. Plus (and this is pretty sad) I secretly want people to think I'm cool.
Anyway, I've got to do something because I'm nearly thirty and have accomplished precisely nothing and have zilch to show for my time on earth. Nothing at all. Which is just beyond tragic.