Urgh. I am hungover. My head feels like a box of drowsy wasps and my throat is raw from the grillion cigarettes I smoked. I went out with my housemate last night to a generic bar in Soho, ostensibly for one bottle of wine which turned into two and finally, a third was ordered. It was pretty nasty house wine as well, hence the drilling headache this morning but we were really past caring after the first one.
We got talking to some boys which lifted my flagging spirits no end and one boy in particular seemed to be paying some attention. To be honest, I thought he was gay. Not the most attractive first impression but he was really funny and smart so I just figured he'd be fun to chat to, sexual persuasion aside. However, as the evening progressed, the arm-touching and maintaining-eye-contact-longer-than-normal started and when he put his hands on my hips to move me out of someone's way and then left them there, it was clear which team he was on. To use a rather wanky term, I get the feeling I was in the presence of a Metrosexual. A handsome guy who is straight but can happily talk about Louis Vuitton bags (which we did, much to my delight).
It was whilst he was describing his recent holiday that I suddenly really wanted to kiss him. A relevant piece of information at this point is that when I'm drunk I become really, really passionate and excited about iconic music from my past. If I'm in a bar and the opening bars of Place Your Hands or Like A Prayer or pretty much anything like that comes on I'm in raptures. Anyway, he was describing a beach party he'd been to where, as the sun began to rise over the water, they played Sweet Child of Mine by Guns N Roses. I completely adore the opening bars of that song as it has particular significance for me due to a time in my formative teenage years and just thinking about it, especially when intoxicated basically makes me melt. As if that wasn't enough, apparently they went on to play Mr Jones by The Counting Crows and after that, Brown Eyed Girl. The way he described it was amazing, I could shut my eyes and almost hear the songs and see the sunrise.
But I'm getting carried away. I think I'm still slightly drunk actually. Oh, interesting point though, I realised I can walk and snog at the same time - all the way to the tube. Well of course I kissed him, I was drunk and he was fit! We swapped cards (trying to be grown up) but I don't know if I'll hear from him. Still, it was a lovely distraction.
A and I got home around 12:30, only to be woken up at 2am by K getting home and vomiting really loudly in the bathroom with the door open. Tis the season to be jolly...
I verbally accepted the job offer today which is exciting. Once I get the paperwork through I'll be able to give notice here. I'm scared but also really excited about the move. I cannot wait to get out of here and leave this horrible, pressured, terrifying job behind me. I just really hope I've made the right choice. I'm so sick of making wrong ones.
Anyway, I'm off for a sausage sandwich.
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