Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I have started the mammoth clear out that signals yet another house move. It's fair to say I've moved around a lot since I first left home aged 21. In fact, this will be the eighth property I've called home in seven years which is both exhausting and quite sad. I am seemingly incapable of putting down roots anywhere. I really thought by the age of 28 I would have sussed out the job, would have the home and might have even been married, if not in a very serious relationship. I know I'm not unusual; many of my friends my age are single and still sharing a house with other singles. Plus, look at Sex And The City and Friends; it's certainly not freakish for me to be in this situation but it does feel rather...hollow. Not to mention the shame I am starting to feel at not yet producing grandchildren or even a wedding for my parents to get all misty-eyed over. As people around me begin to tie the knot and drop some sprogs I can't help wondering: What's wrong with me?

Anyway, off we go again with boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap and van hire. Each time I move I have one of these major clear outs and each time it's very cathartic and nourishing for the soul but somehow all the junk creeps back in. Last time I moved, I sent an entire long-wheel base transit (you pick up the lingo when you book as many vans as I do) to the dump full of furniture and excess trash. I made three separate charity shop trips with books, clothes and ornaments and yet somehow last night I still managed to bag up seven sacks of clothing, shoes and books. I was quite ruthless about the clothing. I got rid of all my fat clothes, all the random summer clothes I haven't worn for years and a multitude of coats I'll never wear again. During the course of this I unearthed a pair of skinny jeans I had relegated to the back of the wardrobe on the offchance I might fit into them again one day. I shut my eyes tightly while I stepped into them, expecting disappointment but joy of joys they fit! That was the highlight of the evening.

This morning I managed to drag one sack to the charity shop in the pouring rain (fun!). The others will have to be taken as and when I venture in that direction. Tonight after yet another flat viewing I think I'll start on the kitchen stuff I don't need. After that it'll be onto the furniture - I am on a mission to downsize!

Speaking of downsizing I managed to lose, in a single week, the 5lb I put on over Christmas plus one more which I was extremely pleased about. Admittedly I have been absolutely rigid with my eating (despite homemade sausage rolls in the office!) and have been largely famished since 2nd January but it'll be worth it. Seven more pounds to go and I'll be the slimmest I've been in around four years. Now that's the sort of motivation I can use!

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